Friday, February 1, 2008

The Three Step System Guaranteed To Spike Your Prospecting

I want you to understand "why" this simple three step system works. So before I get into "how" it works, i'll give you a little background on time tested marketing statistics.

Most people that have been in any type of marketing understand how many times a prospect must see your message before they buy.

The magical number is 7. Now this is not a number I pulled out of the air. From all the books i've read, seminars i've attended, or webinars/conference calls i've been on, the number is always the same, it's always 7.

A recent study indicated that people are exposed to over 3,000 advertising messages a day.

You as a network marketer should be very concerned with this statistic. How in the world are you going to get into the mind of your prospect, and get them to pay attention to you.

That's your first obstacle.

Your next obstacle is figuring out how to get your message in front of your prospect 7 times before they buy.

The answer is easier than you think.

Most network marketers will purchase a list, or generate leads on their own. They call their prospects one time, the prospect says they are not interested, then they throw their leads in the trash.

This is not how marketing is supposed to work.

Most people you call either forgot they inquired about wanting to work from home, or if you generated the lead on your own, they changed their mind by the time you got to them.

We all know timing is everything in MLM. And if you're talking to your prospect when the timing just isn't right in your their life, they're gone.

This system will guarantee to not only get your prospects attention, but also "catch" them at just the right time in their life when they're sick of they're financial situation, and ready to make a change.

Here comes the three step system.

Now there's this beautiful little website called USPS.COM. It's the website for the U.S. postal service. Under "mailing services" there's an area where you can have the Post Office, print and mail all of your postcards to your leads, it's a one sided black and white postcard for 21 cents a piece.

Yes, you heard me correctly, it's that cheap.

You may be asking, well I should mail color, or I should mail 2 sided because it's better. Well i've tested it, and the response really wasn't any better, for a couple of reasons i'll reveal in a minute.

(note: you can upgrade to 2 sided black and white, one sided color, or 2 sided color if you like for a little more) .

That being said, let's say you have 100 fresh leads. Now it's very important that at least you have the correct name, mailing address, e-mail, and phone numer. If you don't, it won't work.

What you want to do is upload your excel spreadsheet to USPS.COM, design your postcard (it's really easy, if you don't want to, you can have someone design it and upload your image). It's important to have your face on the postcard, and your name.

You are also going to want to mail a postcard to yourself, so you know when your prospects have received their postcard.

It's very important to have your name and photo on the postcard, because what you're doing is branding your name in to the mind of your prospects.

It will take approximately 7 days for your prospects to get their postcard (due to print time, and mailing time)

Now, after you've put your order in to the post office to mail out all 100 postcards to your prospects, you need to put all 100 of your prospects into your e-mail auto-responder the same day.

It's also important to have you picture, e-mail, phone number, and website in all of your e-mails.

Once again, you're branding your name and picture into the mind of your prospects.

Here's the reason behind uploading your e-mail list to the auto responder the same day.

By the time they receive your postcard 7 days later, they should have received at least three e-mails, so they should be farmiliar with your name, and face.

Keep in mind by the 8th or 9th day, some of these people will of already visited your website, or better yet, called you.

Now on the 7th day you should of received your copy of the postcard in your mailbox. Once again, this is how you will know your prospects have received your postcard.

I typically call my prospects on the 9th day, just to make sure they have my postcard in their hands. And it may still be sitting on their kitchen table.

Here's what's going on in the prospects mind. They've seen 3 of my e-mails, they've seen my postcard, and when they come home from work, they receive my voicemail (or I could get them on the phone live) . So they're very responsive when I call, because they know me.

Now, within a one to two week period, i've put the message in front of my prospect 6-7 times.
I've accomplished my goal of getting my message in front of my prospect enough times, so they will sit up and pay attention.

But, it doesn't stop there.

My e-mail autoresponder is still on. So they're going to continue to get messages from me for the next 12 months. Believe me, this stuff works, and later on down the road, when the time is right, they will probably call me.

As a side note, later on in the month, I may call a second time. After that it becomes chasing, and I don't want my prospect to think i'm chasing them. So 2 phone calls at the most, then I let my autoresponder do the rest.

This should really increase the response of your prospects, and spike your recruiting efforts.

Happy Prospecting,
William Whitlow

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