Tuesday, February 5, 2008

How To Keep Your Distributors Committed

When a new distributor starts in a new MLM company they are usually all hyped up and excited to move forward.

Your repsonsibility as a sponsor is to get a check in your distributor's hand as soon as possible.

Once your new recruit gets a check in their hand they will start to feel just how real it is.

My number one assignment is to create a tax file for my distributor.
It's a real simple hanging tax file folder.

I coach them on the different sections of the tax folder and advise them to start saving gas receipts, rent, cell phone, internet bills, etc, etc, etc.

As they put the receipts in the correct sections, psychologically they realize the tax breaks of their home business.

They start to understand the tax leverage they now have owning their own business.

My number two assignment is to get a few tools out to them so they can start working their business A.S.A.P.

After I help them set up their website, I mail a few different CD's and Literature my team utilizes for the different 1-3 foot rule techniques.

This way they have a track to run on, and a way to prospect people by letting people borrow their audio, or visual tools. Or the websites. Or the meetings.

My number three assignment, just like Old School Amway is to drive throug their warm market as soon as possible.

I make it as easy as possible for them.

I explain that I want them to create a list of people that need our product, and create a 2nd list for only six and seven figure earners that they're afraid to talk to.

I like them to approach their warm market with some of the tools I've mailed them.

Next I like to work their "chicken" list my self with my upline on the phone.

Third party edification is powerful. Since I'm a business owner, and the leaders I work with are also business owners, their "chicken" list is more receptive when we say we've gone into business with their friend or relative.

Time and time again we use this "magic formula", and can usually get a check, or a few checks into our downline's hands, this will jumpstart their business and keep the attrition to a minimum in your downline.

I suggest the above formula, it's worked time and time again.

Of course you will have the occasional person who will not show up for class, and even give you one warm contact.

When this happens, I simply apologize and explain I cannot work with them. If they don't believe enough in their new business, and my system, then we cannot work together, and I wish them good luck.

I don't want a bunch of generals trying to run their own army, when they have no idea what they're doing. Usually this will make them wake up, that I they need me, and if they don't, so what, next.

Take these techniques to heart, and try them with your new prospects, and see how your retention rate shoots up.

Happy Prospecting,
William Whitlow
480-332-3649 (personal cell)

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