Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How To Post In A Forum Correctly, So You Don't Look Like An Idiot

Right off the bat I'm gonna tell you that this post is not going to be pretty.

I'm gonna punch, kick, and slap the people around that are the biggest offenders that post in Forums like idiots.

I'll probably say a few things that will offend you, so you may want to stop reading right now.

Still with me?


You should know my background so you know exactly where my knowledge is as far as an authority figure.

I was involved in a little MLM company called Primerica Financial when they got their start back in 1996. Got to meet A.L. Williams and other gurus at that time. It was great training.

Then I joined with a mickey mouse company called General Dynamics which involved magnets. Later on I was involved with a company called Travel Dynamics, which was a travel company.

Then I stopped Network Marketing to build my retail businesses.

I own a Nightclub, and I own a Stripclub, both very successful. An old friend approached me with XANGO, and after some due diligence, I realized this company was going to take over the world, and the rest is history. Now i'm climbing my way to the top.

So you can say i've been around the block and know how to build relationships with people.

When posting in Forums you are supposed to share information, ideas, help eachother, even joke around a little. It's a social networking haven for people on the internet.

Here's my question?

Who the hell said it was O.K. to come into a forum and purposely try to discredit someone!!

These morons need to pick up the book "How To Win Friends And Influence People", and read it 20 more times. After they're done reading it, keep a copy on their desk for quick reference, and tatoo the title on their forehead, so they don't forget the principles.

It clearly states that everyone thinks they are right. So what good does it do to go into a Forum and correct someone. All you're going to do is piss them off.

I mean, what's your purpose in "trying" to correct someone in a forum post. So everyone will think you are more knowledgable than the person that wrote the new thread.

Nope, they're going to think you an @$$. Because that's exactly what you are, a big fat Jacka$$.
Are you trying to make friends, or repel people with your big, giant can of Raid!

When I post a new thread, it's for 2 reasons. The 1st is to help people, and keep them informed, especially when it has to do with my company. The 2nd is so other people that see me posting new threads, see me as an expert, because I post good free content, that will drive traffic to my site.

I've posted on milestones about XANGO on a few diffferent occasions, and I always get some idiot going in there and saying something negative.

Something along the lines of "well that's not accurate", or "be careful what you say because of this", or "i'm not going to share this information because of this". Well that's fine, you moron, but keep it to yourself.

How about saying something like, "yeah I read that, it was a good story". Or "good post, i've tried that before, but have also tried this".

Why not contribute in a posotive way, and if you have something negative to say, either keep it to yourself, or send a private message to that person.

Why am I so pissed?

Simple. Because I know for a fact that these people don't know "jack" about the internet. They also don't know "jack" about my company. And they also don't know "jack" about Network Marketing. If they did, they wouldn't run around in forums trying to be right all the time.

Seriously. Am I dealing with a bunch of spoiled brats that had no brother or sister, growing up, because that's what it feels like.

They've been in MLM for like 6 months. Bought some course on how to do Social Networking, or how to drive traffic to their websites, and all of a sudden they're a Network Marketer? Give me a break. You need a couple of more years under your belt spanky.

Try attending some business briefings at hotels, attending a Club Entrepreneur meeting, a Dan Kennedy meeting, a chamber of commerce meeting, a BMI meeting, or throwing a home party.

Oh? You can't? Why not?

Oh, I forgot, it's because you suck. You have no experience in MLM at all other than a few amateur tricks to drive people to a website. You don't know how to talk to people. You don't have a 1-3 foot rule approach. You have no idea how to do direct mail marketing, call cold leads, or even stand in front of a room of prospects and give a presentation, and you're going to come into MY FORUM, and try to correct me????

Did you get your MLM degree in a cracker jack box?

Bottom line, network marketing is a people business. If the internet goes away tomorrow. Guess what? You're broke because YOU haven't learned a damn thing.

I suggest going out and hiring Mark Weiser, Todd Falcone, or Aarron Rashkin, and get some real MLM skills under your belt.

Until then, stay the hell off all my forum posts.

Happy Prospecting,
William Whitlow

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