Thursday, January 3, 2008

Direct Mail With Your Network Marketing Business

Many times I mention the word "Direct Mail" with your MLM business, and people look at me like I'm speaking a foreign language.

It amazes me how only 1% or less of Network Marketers use Direct Mail to promote their business. Most people are afraid, or don't want to "waste their money".

Let me ask you this, if e-mail and the internet were completely shut off, and ended, what would you do? I'll tell you what, MLM would not come to an end, and people would return to Direct mail.

If you're looking to move your business forward you should start studying it. I use it in my MLM business and it works very well. People can very easily push the delete button in their e-mail in-box. But once they have my message in their hands, I have a fighting chance.

I think people will eventually start to understand this, and will start to study it again.

A good idea is to co-op your money with your downline, and rent a list, or run a card deck. This way you can have your downline pay for it, and you pay nothing. Have like a 50,000 piece mailing go out, then divide the leads.

Now if you are the one running the campaign, it is important to split the leads evenly. Every 5th person, or every 3rd person, etc.

You can see some serious growth in your Network Marketing organization using this method. Especailly because no one is doing it.

Don't forget to make sure your downline calls the prospects that respond. This is key, people won' t call you, they never do.

It'll be a few years before anyone makes a return to direct mail, i'm sure of it.
Until then, your mailbox is mine, ha ha.

Stay tuned for next time I will reveal the cheapest mailing source on the planet, even cheaper than the U.S. Postal Service.

Happy Propspecting,
William Whitlow

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