Monday, January 28, 2008

The Secret On Line Advertising Source The Guru's Won't Tell You About

I'm sure most of you remember Napster, when they first started out.

They were a pirate site where you could just download music for free.

This happens continuously accross the web. People start little pirate sites where you can download free movies, music, videos, etc. And it's all free.

Well, what the Guru's don't want you to know is that you can advertise on thes pirate sites for like pennies.

How would you like to have tons of traffic to your website for like 2 pennies a click instead of $5.00 a click on Google? I sure would?

So where do you find these sites.

That's the hard part. Even in this big techy world we live it, ironically it's usually word of mouth (Just like MLM).

Teenagers are your best source, and people that are into graphic design, music professionals, and people that create videos.

These people are in this "click", and they all keep in contact with one-another, and know where to get the next movid for "Free"

Last year I was on this website watching the movie "300" the day it came out. The same thing with "Transformers".

Now, you don't want to create one of these websites yourself, (you don't want to go to prison, do you?) you'll need to do a little digging, but you can find them.

The bad part is they are only up for a few months, then they get caught, and the website is erased.

But that's not your concern. You're concern should be to filter as many people to your website, for as cheap as possible, and this is the way to do it.

I've gotta go now, some men in black suits are trying to knock down my door with a battering ram.

Happy Prosecting,
William Whitlow

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Trade Show Booth Setup For Your MLM Opportunity

If you're going to set up a Trade Show booth to expose people to your Network Marketing Opportunity it is very important how you run it, and how you set it up.

First and foremost you should co-op with 2 or 3 other people on your team to keep the cost down for your space. You should also rent out 2 booths instead of just one because you'll get a substantial discount.

You should bring in 2 Tables for your booth and set them up in a L shape along the back of the booth. You want people to come in and take a tour of your booth.

Depending on your product, you will want to have testimonials of people that have tried your product, and the success they've had. It could be health, or money they've made. I suggest little framed square pictures framed up all along the inside of your booth walls.

A banner along the back of the wall of your booth, and out front is suggested.

Balloons are a must with your company logo on the balloons. Make sure there are lots of them on the outside 4 corners of your booth.

A big flat screen T.V. with clear sounding speakers should play a constant loop of your opportunity to draw people in to watch.

There should be a box for people to drop their names in it for free giveaways 2-3 times a day. The form they fill out should have their name, add, phone number, and e-mail on the form. Note at the bottom, incomplete entries will be disqualified. These will be your leads to follow up on.

You should dress very nicely. I suggest if there is 3-4 of you, all wear a polo t-shirt with the company logo on it. Slacks, and nice dress shoes.

Make sure you have free samples to give-away. Or sell the samples very cheap.

Have some literature available for people to pick up as they walk by, make sure the literature has your name stamped on it with phone number so they can call you.

You can give out CD's too, but I suggest selling those for a buck a piece.

You should have literature also explaining the business briefing coming up where they can learn all about the business opportunity.

Be very outgoing, greet people, and be willing to talk not only about the product, but also money. People are people, you need to see which they are more concerned with. Just connect with people on a personal level and build trust with that person.

If you can bring a laptop with satellite reception, you can sign people up right on the spot from your company website.

Have plenty of your business cards on you to exchange with prospective clients.

Be prepared to switch shifts, so you constantly have people that are fresh and ready to talk. You should have one group for the morning shift, and another group for the afternoon shift.

Be very creative, the flashiest booth gets the most attention.

While you're there make sure and network with other booths at the trade show. You never know who may be looking for another opportunity to earn some money. A lot of times you have business owners looking to expose their retail business, and would love an opportunity to get involved in a MLM opportunity. Exchanging business cards is always a great idea so you can follow up with them later.

As a side note, make sure you bring yourself plenty of water and food, the fair food can get expensive.

Happy Prospecting,
William Whitlow
Home Business On Line Marketer
480-332-3649 (personal cell)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Direct Mail Secret That Will Save You Thousands

If you've used Direct Mail in your Network Marketing Campaigns, you've probably spent thousands of dollars, had poor results, then quit.

I'm about to reveal a secret that will save you tons of cash.

Typically you will hire a professional designer for your postcards, or letters.
Or even worse, you will type them yourself, or try to design them, then print, label, stamp, lug to the post office, and mail out to all of your prospects.

What if you had a place that would do all of that for you.

Here it is.

That's the big secret website.

Yes, I know it's hard to believe!! The U.S. postal service has great, cheap ways to mail your prospects month after month for cheaper than it is to mail.

Let me explain.

Let's say you purchased 200 leads in excel format. You can upload the list to
Next you can design your postcard, letter, whatever you like in their back office.

Here's the best part. They'll print, and mail to all of your prospects for you for cheaper than you would if you mailed them yourself.

Yes you heard me correctly.

Postcard one sided black and white is like 21 cents. Black and white 2 sided postcard like 30 cents, and 2 sided postcard full color for 41 cents a piece.

Can you imagine how much more time you will have to work your Multi Level Marketing business letting them do this. It really is a godsend.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call me at my phone number below.

Happy Prospecting,
William Whitlow

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Direct Mail With Your Network Marketing Business

Many times I mention the word "Direct Mail" with your MLM business, and people look at me like I'm speaking a foreign language.

It amazes me how only 1% or less of Network Marketers use Direct Mail to promote their business. Most people are afraid, or don't want to "waste their money".

Let me ask you this, if e-mail and the internet were completely shut off, and ended, what would you do? I'll tell you what, MLM would not come to an end, and people would return to Direct mail.

If you're looking to move your business forward you should start studying it. I use it in my MLM business and it works very well. People can very easily push the delete button in their e-mail in-box. But once they have my message in their hands, I have a fighting chance.

I think people will eventually start to understand this, and will start to study it again.

A good idea is to co-op your money with your downline, and rent a list, or run a card deck. This way you can have your downline pay for it, and you pay nothing. Have like a 50,000 piece mailing go out, then divide the leads.

Now if you are the one running the campaign, it is important to split the leads evenly. Every 5th person, or every 3rd person, etc.

You can see some serious growth in your Network Marketing organization using this method. Especailly because no one is doing it.

Don't forget to make sure your downline calls the prospects that respond. This is key, people won' t call you, they never do.

It'll be a few years before anyone makes a return to direct mail, i'm sure of it.
Until then, your mailbox is mine, ha ha.

Stay tuned for next time I will reveal the cheapest mailing source on the planet, even cheaper than the U.S. Postal Service.

Happy Propspecting,
William Whitlow