Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Evolution Of An Entrepreneur

Growing as an Entrepreneur is a process. Some people compare it to a twelve step system, where as you grow, you become better, smarter, make less mistakes, and make more money.

I have networked with some of the best Entrepreneurs across the U.S.  I remember sitting right next to “INFUSION SOFT” When they were first starting, and we were taking Dan Kennedy Classes together.  So as you can see, I’ve been doing this a very long time, since 14 years of age.

I’ll review the beginning of the Entrepreneur, and when he learns to think outside the box. They’re so funny, much a like a little kid at a toy store. Beginners are interested in everything, meeting a lot of people, millions of ideas, scatterbrained everywhere, which is quite amusing.

As an entrepreneur continues to grow, they start to specialize in certain aspects of their field, or ways to create and grow a business. Sometimes people are doing things on line, internet businesses. Others risk their life savings, and open a Retail Establishment. Either way, the Entrepreneur is changing.

The change is usually for the better, as they are evolving, doing things better, safer, faster, as a result creating more income.

There is a funny stage in Entrepreneurship we all go through.   

I call it “Stage Of The Cocky Duchebag”…. 

Let me explain.

Since our minds open up to all of these ideas, once we start to figure out “how it really works”, we start to study further, and really educate our minds. We learn so much, our minds are like sponges, sucking up every delicious piece of information we can find on our passions.

As we are learning these things, we start to develop this “We are better than though” personality. We think we know it all. We start to look down on people who don’t understand they don’t have to work for Duchebag McFly, they have other options.

We start stating our opinions more. We look to be the center of attention, and want to stand out. In our subconscious we believe we have it all figured out. We are going to be rich. We have all the answers.
Since we are so cool, and know everything, we even blow off some of our friends.

This happened to me once upon a time, during my evolution. Not to this extreme. I just thought I knew it all. I thought I had all the answers. I lectured, I talked, I stated my opinion.

I changed when I read an e-mail I had sent someone, a couple of days after I sent it. I wasn’t rude, but I could see how I was writing, the way I was acting. I knew I had to change, and I did, problem solved.

Then I continued to Evolve into the Entrepreneur I am today.

Sometimes, there are entrepreneurs who never grow out of that “Cocky” Stage.

Remember, I’m from Phoenix, so I was part of the Club E Network, and knew a lot of people. So I’m not talking about anyone in particular, but I have met a few that never grew out of that “Cocky” stage.

It’s rediculous how these people act, and it annoys me that someone introduced them to Robert Kiyosaki, or the book Think and Grow Rich. They never come off their high horse. I could tell the way they would act at Entrepreneur meetings, or Seminars I would attend. They just act stupid, and are just shunning their fans, and joint business partners away from them.

People can see right through people who act like duchebags. So what if you’re smart and know how to build a business. Something tells me you’re such a duchebag, you don’t have it all figured out, because if you did, you’d already be rich. Lots of people would like, or love you. There would be testimonials of what you have done for people.

But this is never the case.

A lot of times, because people get stuck in “Duchebaggery Stage”, they never evolve, and never make any money. In their own minds, they always have “some plan”, but nothing ever comes to fruition because of the way they act.

I think next time I run into an Entrepreneur who’s been stuck in this stage for longer than a year, I’m going to take the book “How To Win Friends And Influence People”, and throw it in their face. Ironic because the book would never suggest that, ha ha.

Maybe this would be the answer.

Maybe this would help them come off their high horse, walk on the ground like the rest of us, and shake a few hands.

The chart shows where the mistake happens. Personal & Social Emergence--Narrative Construction Of Identity, Identity As Practice, Tension Between Current And Future Identity. These are the three areas that affect the Evolution Of An Entrepreneur, and they never grow as a result. 

William Whitlow                                                                                                                                                                               Internet Marketing & Direct Marketing Expert                                                                                                                                         

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