Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Evolution Of An Entrepreneur

Growing as an Entrepreneur is a process. Some people compare it to a twelve step system, where as you grow, you become better, smarter, make less mistakes, and make more money.

I have networked with some of the best Entrepreneurs across the U.S.  I remember sitting right next to “INFUSION SOFT” When they were first starting, and we were taking Dan Kennedy Classes together.  So as you can see, I’ve been doing this a very long time, since 14 years of age.

I’ll review the beginning of the Entrepreneur, and when he learns to think outside the box. They’re so funny, much a like a little kid at a toy store. Beginners are interested in everything, meeting a lot of people, millions of ideas, scatterbrained everywhere, which is quite amusing.

As an entrepreneur continues to grow, they start to specialize in certain aspects of their field, or ways to create and grow a business. Sometimes people are doing things on line, internet businesses. Others risk their life savings, and open a Retail Establishment. Either way, the Entrepreneur is changing.

The change is usually for the better, as they are evolving, doing things better, safer, faster, as a result creating more income.

There is a funny stage in Entrepreneurship we all go through.   

I call it “Stage Of The Cocky Duchebag”…. 

Let me explain.

Since our minds open up to all of these ideas, once we start to figure out “how it really works”, we start to study further, and really educate our minds. We learn so much, our minds are like sponges, sucking up every delicious piece of information we can find on our passions.

As we are learning these things, we start to develop this “We are better than though” personality. We think we know it all. We start to look down on people who don’t understand they don’t have to work for Duchebag McFly, they have other options.

We start stating our opinions more. We look to be the center of attention, and want to stand out. In our subconscious we believe we have it all figured out. We are going to be rich. We have all the answers.
Since we are so cool, and know everything, we even blow off some of our friends.

This happened to me once upon a time, during my evolution. Not to this extreme. I just thought I knew it all. I thought I had all the answers. I lectured, I talked, I stated my opinion.

I changed when I read an e-mail I had sent someone, a couple of days after I sent it. I wasn’t rude, but I could see how I was writing, the way I was acting. I knew I had to change, and I did, problem solved.

Then I continued to Evolve into the Entrepreneur I am today.

Sometimes, there are entrepreneurs who never grow out of that “Cocky” Stage.

Remember, I’m from Phoenix, so I was part of the Club E Network, and knew a lot of people. So I’m not talking about anyone in particular, but I have met a few that never grew out of that “Cocky” stage.

It’s rediculous how these people act, and it annoys me that someone introduced them to Robert Kiyosaki, or the book Think and Grow Rich. They never come off their high horse. I could tell the way they would act at Entrepreneur meetings, or Seminars I would attend. They just act stupid, and are just shunning their fans, and joint business partners away from them.

People can see right through people who act like duchebags. So what if you’re smart and know how to build a business. Something tells me you’re such a duchebag, you don’t have it all figured out, because if you did, you’d already be rich. Lots of people would like, or love you. There would be testimonials of what you have done for people.

But this is never the case.

A lot of times, because people get stuck in “Duchebaggery Stage”, they never evolve, and never make any money. In their own minds, they always have “some plan”, but nothing ever comes to fruition because of the way they act.

I think next time I run into an Entrepreneur who’s been stuck in this stage for longer than a year, I’m going to take the book “How To Win Friends And Influence People”, and throw it in their face. Ironic because the book would never suggest that, ha ha.

Maybe this would be the answer.

Maybe this would help them come off their high horse, walk on the ground like the rest of us, and shake a few hands.

The chart shows where the mistake happens. Personal & Social Emergence--Narrative Construction Of Identity, Identity As Practice, Tension Between Current And Future Identity. These are the three areas that affect the Evolution Of An Entrepreneur, and they never grow as a result. 

William Whitlow                                                                                                                                                                               Internet Marketing & Direct Marketing Expert                                                                                                                                         

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Ski area makes snow out of sewage and (surprise!) it comes out yellow

Ski area makes snow out of sewage and (surprise!) it comes out yellow

I had to do a Small Blog about this because the owners have done everything they are supposed to do. The amount of money it cost to build the snow making equipment is very high. The owners will have this problem corrected very soon. It is because of them this town has money. I realize that, being a business owner. No disrespect to them. It will be fixed, because they are good people.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Business Increasing In 2012 And Will Continue Through 2013 Us Business Owners Felt It

2011 The Worst Economic Year Since "The Great Depression". Finally We Are Starting To Feel Good!
Business Rewind on 2012: A quiet year

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Marketing On Facebook.....What's Changed!!...... And What You Need To Do...... To Ensure You Don't Piss Off Your Audience!!

Make More Money Marketing Correctly !!
1) I saw the posting about Miley Cyrus, Getting The Bejesus Banged Out Of Her On A Viral Video.
2) I visited the link
3) It didn’t work…… it was Spam……trying to get me to take surveys
4) I left the link, and didn’t fill out any surveys
5) They took my information, and started creating the exact same postings that I just clicked on, UNDER MY FACEBOOK IDENTITY!!
6) Bullshit !!
7) Start by creating your own Website. This is the number one thing you can do, so you always have a “Home”, for your marketing efforts
8) Doing All Your Marketing On Facebook is…….. Amateur…… Look At MyResume If You Disagree with anything I say…..
9) Start venturing out to see where else you’re going to get “Leads” from, or prospective customers wanting to buy
10) That’s all for now, I don’t want to overload you
……………. I Knew when Facebook was open for public Stock…….. things would change……….. “BUT I NEVER”……… Thought that meant stealing my identity………. To Spam My Customer Database……… I’M REALLY PISSED!!!!See More
William Whitlow Teaches Guerilla Marketing

William Whitlow 
Internet Marketing And Off Line Direct Marketing Specialist 

Where Has William Whitlow Been & The William Whitlow Internet Marketing And Direct Marketing Show

My name is William Whitlow, and I own a Strip club.  To quickly answer your question, YES, owning a strip club is awesome; I love every minute of it.  YES, I hang out with hot chicks all the time.  I’ve owned this strip club for over 10 years in Flagstaff, Arizona.  I have a total monopoly, I have no competition, the nearest strip club is 200 miles away, and the University NAU is 2 blocks away on the same street.  So just imagine all the talent I have working here.

Flagstaff is a hub that millions of people travel through every year. We’re next to the Grand Canyon, Meteor Crater, Lowell Observatory that discovered Mars, Flintstones Bedrock City, and multiple other sights. Famous Musicians travel through Flagstaff, on their way to Concert tour dates in Phoenix, AZ, Las Vegas, Colorado, New Mexico, and California.

I also own a Nightclub named Cinnabar Nightclub, where we have live entertainment twice a week. We’ve featured acts like BIZZY BONE, DJ QUICK, KORUPT, WU TAN CLAN, DIGITAL SUMMER, MR CAPONE, MR CRIMINAL, TWISTED INSANE (The fastest rapper in the world).  Twisted Insane and I have developed a friendship over the years, and he recently purchased a home in Fountain Hills, Scottsdale, AZ.  He purchased a Strip club in Oregon, so we brainstorm about selling more Champagne in the V.I.P. rooms, the food, the customer experience, etc. So yes, owning this nightclub has its perks and benefits. We also have recent acts with videos on MTV like BREATHE CAROLINA, 32 LEAVES. I also feature world famous DJ’s like KIP KILLAGAIN, who plays here regularly.

My club promotes theme nights like 25 Cent Drink Night, featuring old school hip hop. We have sports, pool tables, video games, beer pong tables, and a Jukebox. People love the place, they have a blast here.
I built a V.I.P. Shag Carpet Room. The Walls, Floors and Ceilings are covered in Shag Carpet. There’s 2 Flat screen TV’s, one to play sports or whatever they want, and the other one highlights the concert or DJ, in the Nightclub, so they can see what’s going on in the club, while they’re in the Private Shag Carpet Room. We feature very comfortable V.I.P. seating for at least 10 people. It’s really quite amazing, and my customers love it. 

The main premise of my show will be “Marketing”, my favorite thing in business. I call it “Underground Marketing”, because I educate my fans on what really works. I do not promote what you learn in College. If College taught you the kind of marketing I know, they would have the right to charge you their ridiculous tuition rates.

So let me continue on with where I disappeared to for the last couple of years, because all my fans, and my customer database, have been wondering “Did he die”?, “Did he move out of the country”?, Is he in Prison”?, etc. Then I’ll give you my background, which is really crazy, and I’ll get back to the marketing part of the show.  Again, this is the first episode, so it will be a little longer, which is cool, because you, my audience, will get “More Content”.

I’m a single Dad with 2 beautiful kids, Tavian and Wynter.  Tavian is 7 years old, and Wynter is 3 years old. Same mom, Same dad, and a horrible divorce. I have full custody, and am paid child support by the mother, and she has zero rights. She’s also on Supervised visitation through the State, whenever she re-appears. Draw your own conclusions on how that happened. Just remember I’m a very good person, and she isn’t, period. I’m happy as heck. I get to wake up to my 2 little miracles God gave me every day.  I get to spend as much time as I want to with my kids, every day, because I have my own business, and make all my own rules, and I love it.

My mother teaches catholic school, and controls the finances because she does the accounting at a local church I attended when I was little. I had my first Holy Communion, and Confirmation ceremonies there growing up as a catholic. By the way, I’m still 100% catholic, through and through. As a side note, the Catholic Priests that were molesting those kids all of those years, should be executed, along with Roman Administrators that were aware of it, and just kept moving the Priests to new churches, trying to cover up what was going on. Anyone that molests children needs to be executed period. Like I said, I’m 100% real, and I promise to keep this show very real.

Yes, A Strip club owner’s mother teaches catholic school, and controls the finances at our Catholic Church.
It’s such a cliché. I feel like the son of the Chief of Police. Only I’m a drug dealing, car stealing, armed robbery, black sheep prisoner.

But……What do you do?  I got nothing? Just strange how the Universal Powers work.
Now as far as my role in the community goes, I’m head of the biggest Charity organization in Flagstaff called, “The Sheriff’s Posse”.

Originally we used to round up criminals back in the 80’s.  Unfortunately, one of us was killed, so we re-directed the organization to be strictly about charity.

We run 4 big charity events a year, and hold monthly meetings, which I run. So there’s a lot of time involved, and I love every minute of it.

When I was younger, my mom and brother would get assistance from the church with food. So I always make it a point to give back. What I’ve discovered is by giving, with both time and money, is the karma comes back 10 fold. I’ve been giving to United Way since I was 19 years of age. It’s always been a piece of me.  

Now I’ll talk to you about one of my passions. Bodybuilding, Strength Training Performance, and Grappling, otherwise known as Mixed Martial Arts, or MMA, have been a major part of my life.
I’ve been into bodybuilding since I was a kid. My cousin Randy Dominguez was a borderline Pro Football, Scottsdale College Football Player. As long as I can remember, Randy was always working out, and was huge. He was close to 300 Lbs.  Since he was always at the gym, I had the opportunity to meet famous bodybuilders. He brought over his roommates, that he worked out with, quite a bit. One in particular by the name of “Vince Comeford”, would come to my house, take his shirt off and pose for me. Vince used to let me hit his 8 pack of abs. It was like hitting a brick wall, it was awesome, and I loved it.
Randy basically ran Scottsdale back in the day, and had a big influence on my bodybuilding and fitness lifestyle.

So bottom line is, I’ve worked out forever. Since elementary school, when my mom bought me plastic DP weights, that you filled up with water to add weight. After I was strong enough, the weights allowed you to empty the water out, and fill them with sand, for heavier weights.

I also played football since 2nd grad. It started with my Popwarner League in Scottsdale. We used to play our football games at Scottsdale Community College. Randy also had that influence on me, since he was a borderline pro football player.

I continued playing football, and trained like a maniac, all through high school.

At that time, we would follow the pro-bodybuilders routines. What the Joe Weider Muscle Magazines failed to mention in the 80’s, was that all these routines, are for people on Steroids. The quick story on Steroids, is they allow you to train as much as you want, and as many hours as you want, and you will still gain muscle. Even if your Diet sucks, you still grow. That’s the truth.

So I would train longer than I should have. I did 3 Hour workouts 3 times a week, and 2 hour workouts, twice a week. I would also do hard cardio, so I could perform on the field.

The body does not have the recuperative ability to recover, and gain muscle when you train too many hours in the day. Rule of thumb, 45 minutes to 1 hour max, and get out of the gym if you are not taking steroids.
Until the age of 18, I trained 3 hours a day, which was way too long. I cut back to 1 ½  hours , 5 days a week, until I was 21.

My training was still too long.

At the age of 21, I cut my training back to 45 minutes to an hour max, and I grew like crazy. I found the missing link, quit training so damn long. I blew up, a lot. My biggest weight was 189 Lbs, at 5 foot 7, so I was pretty big. Probably about 15% fat because my goals were different then. Just get as big as you can, and do zero cardio, eat as much as possible, like 12 times a day. Being big is cool, don’t let anyone lie to you.

In my mid to late twenties, I realized I’m not going into acting. I’m not competing. What the hell am I using this muscle for, other than just looking cool, and picking up on hot chicks.

Now since the age of 21, when I first saw the UFC in Colorado, Karate Kid Style, with brackets and no rules, I realized wrestlers are the ones that kick ass.

So you can imagine my disappointment when I realized I should have been wrestling and playing football all through school.  Back when I was younger, I thought wrestlers were fags. My best friend “Brian Leith” from Jr. High conveyed to me, “Why do I want to roll around on a mat with a guy, that’s gay”.  And for some reason, that stuck with me. So I never wrestled.  The sad part is we had the best wrestling team in the State.  Apache Junction High School is home of the great Mcminn Wrestlers. In my opinion, the best wrestling family in the Country, are the Mcminn’s.  The dad wrestled, and so did his three sons, and they all dominated. Wade Mcminn wrestled at ASU and was undefeated his whole college career.
Wade’s son ended up going to school with my little brother, and they were good friends. My little brother would call his house sometimes, and talk to his son. It was really cute.

Another side note is the dad, Coach Mcminn, went through the process of manufacturing most of our Gym Equipment, saving the school tens of thousands of dollars.

When I was 15, I attended ASU Coach Larry Marmie Football Camp in the Summer of 1990, along with my teammates.  They had 5 different parts of the program, so you would be in different training stations throughout the day.  On the 1st day, when it was our turn to do weight training, I was super excited.  I couldn’t wait to see ASU’s weight room.  When I arrived I was extremely disappointed.  They had about ½ the equipment we had in Apache Junction. I was confused, and I had to ask my coaches, what was up with their medioker gym. The coaches explained to me how lucky we were in our weight room, because Coach Mcminn Welded, and Manufactured a lot of our equipment. Some stuff, he actually invented. I remember this awesome Free Weight Shrug Piece of Equipment he created, and was awesome. To this day, I have never seen anything like it, and if it was marketed, you would make a million dollars. A couple of examples would be “Standing Incline Bench Press”, or “Seated Incline Press”.  To this day, I also have never seen a “Standing Incline Bench Press”. We were very lucky to have the gym we had.

So now you can see why my background is developed so well with Bodybuilding, and Fitness. 

So back to my disappointment with never wrestling, as I’m sitting there watching the UFC.

Somewhere around 2001, I started searching aggressively for the right place to learn submission wrestling and fighting. I was 27, and realized I wasn’t going into pro-bodybuilding. For some reason, I guess competing on stage, at that time, wasn’t what I was looking for, even if I wasn’t the biggest, I still could of competed in my weight class, but I was more attracted to fighting. 

After some serious searching, I just couldn’t find the right place.  None of them had what I was looking for.
So one day I was on Vacation in Rocky Point, Mexico.  I was shredded to the bone. I always leaned out like I was going to a bodybuilding contest before every vacation.  It’s pretty hilarious, but what can I say, chicks love it, bottom line, and I want to look my best when I’m on vacation. 

I was in a club called “The Cadillac”, and was pretty buzzed. Everyone runs around in their bathing suit, day or night.  I was in shorts and Flip Flops, no shirt.  I saw a security guard that looked familiar.  I walked up to him and asked if his name was Ike. He looked at me in shock and said “William”? It turned out he is my Brother’s, Godmother’s, Son. And we hadn’t seen each other in over 10 years. 

Ike ended up playing College Ball, and even won a trip to Hawaii to play a pro bowl all-star game.
We got to talking and it turned out he was training submission fighting under one of the best fighters in the world. He gave me his coach’s card.

When I got back to Phoenix I called the instructor Jeff Funicello, and discovered he taught American Pankration which was a fighting art created in the Roman Days. Now Jeff and his brothers were taught American Pankration since they were kids. It mixes together Greco Roman Wrestling, submission moves exactly like Jiu-Jitsu, Muai-Thai, and Boing.  My coach is also a Greco Roman Champion, and is one of the top 10 to go to the world competitions every year. Every four years they include the world competition wrestling in the Olympics. Basically his team is related to “Team Quest”, because Dan Henderson is his good friend, who wrestled with him at ASU. Jeff has also trained with Randy Couture, Matt Linland, and Heath Simms, and these people come train with my coaches classes on occasion. Dan Henderson showed me an awesome cholke. I use it as my secret move when me and an opponent are stale mating. I finish them with this move.  It’s awesome.

So yes, I’ve done lots of grappling, traveled to competitions, and I had a blast doing it all.

I had to stop shortly before I had my kid. I’ve stepped back into practice here and again until a few months ago, when I started grappling consistently here in Flagstaff. Last week my coach offered me a Certified Instructor Title, which he only gives out every few years. So i’m going to take the offer, and continue my grappling. Heck, maybe I’ll take a couple of fights, ya never know, I’m still young.
So in my show, you’ll be getting some of my opinions on fighters, nutrition, for free.  Just a small part of the show will add something fun.

Stupid things people do. I’ll probably have a story or two about something I saw, or read about, where people do stupid things for god knows what reason, and it’s hilarious, so I’m going to put it in my show, something else to make you laugh.

Marketing, yes, this is my favorite part of the show. I’ll be teaching you business owners about real marketing. The stuff that works.

How do I know so much about marketing?

I started learning in 2005, studying some of the underground marketers on line, and off line businesses. I learned from Marketers that use Direct Mail, Internet advertising, and every other type of marketing that works. I paid $50 to $100 monthly fees to 4 different marketers that are masters at what they do.
Since I was still working at Chase Bank at the time, I implemented some of the strategies to work my leads at the bank, and let the Bank fund it all. It was sweet.

Now at the same time I also owned both of my bars, so I started testing marketing here too.

So do I have a little experience? Uh, yes!

I’m going to show people things I’ve tested online, offline, even telephone voice blasts. Real Marketing, Real Testing, Real Results.

I’m also going to disclose to you what it’s like running 2 businesses. All the trials and tribulations I go through. They literally are 2 completely different businesses. Cinnabar Nightcub has Sports, Live Bands, DJ’s, Food, Specials, NTN Trivia, Video Games, Happy Hour, Texas Hold Em Poker 3X a week.
Blush Cabaret is a completely different kind of business. Everyone wears a tie, cocktail fixed up in a corset, cover charge every day until we close, no exceptions. Then the $500 Champagne room, $150 Champagne room, higher drink prices, no-touching for the strippers, DJ Music Format, certain types of music played.  
The marketing is completely different too. One is adult. There’s a lot of stuff you can’t do when you want to advertise an adult business.

That part of the show will be fun. To see behind closed doors what it’s like to own a nightclub.

Lots of Bonuses:
1        1)        Famous people or semi famous musicians when they play at my bar
2        2)        Business owners, interviewed live, and their marketing techniques and secrets
3        3)        Seminars. When I travel to one, who I met, what I learned, the latest tools in the market

My Banking career started at the ripe age of 19, and retired at the age of 35.  So the year would have been 1993-2008, so I guess you could say I know a thing or two about Banking, and the Financial World. I was there for a Hostile take-over, There for multiple mergers, there for the original corporate downsizing when they called it streamlining, where they walked up to you sitting at your desk, tapped you on the shoulder, and handed you a box to pack your things, and were walked out the door. I was there for the Scandals, CEO’s stepping down, then mysteriously the IRS is up the X CEO’s ass sideways. Hmmmmmmmnnnnnnnn Shananigans. I was there from beginning to end of all the mortgage shananigans that went down.  I know who messed up, and who deserved to lose it all, and which banks are left standing, and I’ve been saying it from day 1.

So you’ll get awesome tidbits, and stories of when I was in the banking industry, and trust me, I have a lot of them.  I know old school corporate world, I know new school corporate world, and I’m going to teach you a lot.

I want to educate America on what I’ve been through working for 2 of the Biggest Giant Corporations in the World.

Products, Yes, I’ll be reviewing some of the products out there. Ones that will either help you with your marketing efforts, or information products I find valuable, and I’ll give you a complete explanation of what it is, and how it will help you.

Now, very important, I’m sure you’ve met lots of people that are really motivated, and want to start making money doing something. Then they lose their motivation, and don’t do anything. I don’t want that to happen to you, if you decide to take the bull by the horns, and get started. So many people buy products and they just sit there on the shelf. It’s a sin. Don’t do that.

Most of these products will be from the expert underground marketers that I’ve either studied under, or am in direct affiliation with. So this is nice, because you’ll be exposed to my network of successful on line and off line businesses.

Now back to marketing. I wanted to let everyone know that  I‘ve been involved in MLM, Multi Level Marketing since the age of 21, in 1995.  I started with Primeria Financial, Imitation Perfumes, Travel Dynamics Magnets, Vacation Timeshares, Xango, and now Send Out Cards.

I’ve been involved with six different companies since the age of 21. I can honestly say, Xango, and Send Out Cards, are the companies I remained consistent with, and became successful with.

What I discovered was that all the really rich, wealthy, successful people were involved in a MLM. This is where they received some of their Marketing experience. Hello? The name of the profession is Multi-Level MARKETING!

All you people out there that think Multi-Level Marketing is a scam, or you can’t make any money at it, or MLMers are a bunch of weird plastic people, like in the movie Pleasantville, and we’re all fake, etc.  You need to put the CRACK PIPE DOWN!

I was mentored by some of the most successful online and offline marketers in the Nation.
When I first started it sucked. You had 2 options. Take someone to a meeting, or sit down with them and do a 1 o 1 sale. It sucked. But it was good training. Like 1 on 1 training.

I had to do a lot of cold phone calls, it sucked, but I did it.

I attended meetings, seminars, home parties, and evolved to handing out CD’s,DVD’s, internet presentations, and other technical presentations.

I even tested my Direct Mail Marketing with MLM. That’ right, I would take some of my monthly profits, and put them back into a US Mail Campaign, and test Direct Mail. Yeah, I know, I’m crazy.

The people I had prospected were no screwballs. I recruited the CFO of Checker Auto Parts, The Head Of Security administration at US Airways who sits on The Board Of Directors, Credit Card Company business owner, Children’s Birthday Party character business owner, Owner of the #1 Limo Company in Arizona, Real Estate Broker business owners, etc, etc, etc, the list goes on and on.

The bottom line is MLM works, I’m in it, I do it, even though I own 2 other businesses.

I simply tell them…..  “I want my checking account stuffed so full of money, it can’t hold any more cash.”
It’s the truth. I make money. I love people that are in MLM. I love the events, I love the positivity, I love the people that are motivated.

I compare MLM to high school peer pressure. If we had that high school social credibility pressure with us all the time, we’d all be rich.

I remember comparing clothes, cars or trucks, quads, motorcycles, working out with weights in the gym comparing bodies, hair styles, zits, smell, attitude, it all mattered, and you know it.

By constantly surrounding myself with these people, I continue to grow, I continue to excel and make more money. It works. So if you’re sitting on the couch doing nothing, Get In! Then you get to hang out with me and the leaders making money.

So again, if you want more info on MLM, I will have another show, based strictly on MLM, training, recruiting, etc.

Now this brings us to, THE BIG QUESTION??


This question has to be answered because it’s just not right for me to build a fan base, and have a list of people that want my advice, they want to know which products are best, and they want to know why the hell am I NOT working my MLM business??

Well it all started a couple of years back when I wasn’t allowed to use the telephone, I wasn’t allowed to text, I wasn’t allowed to use the internet, I wasn’t allowed to use anything that connected me with the outside world.

My X-Wife would not allow it.

Then my X-wife was pregnant with our 2nd kid, so I had to concentrate on that.

Then, 4 months after my daughter was born, my wife left me. She moved out in front of me, my 4 year old son, and 4 month old daughter, while a Cop watched her move out of our home.

She actually called a cop as a civil standby, so she could move out all of her things.

She tried to steal my business through the courts, but she didn’t realize “The Attorney General Of Arizona” was my business partner. In addition, It’s a Corporation, with me as the CEO, President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

I was not able to come to my business for 5 weeks, while she was in control of everything.

When I returned to my business, there was no money left. She stole over $10,000. There was nothing left in the bar either. The stereos, vending machines, TV’s, computers, phones, you name it, she stole it, all before the courts realized they made a huge mistake, and put me back in control of my business.

I asked my attoney, “what’s the proper protocall when a Judge is faced with this dilemma” My attorney said, “they’re supposed to call you in, and not put you out in the street like that”.

Another thing that happened was my Adult License was up for renewal, and I fell slightly behind 3 months on taxes, and they almost revoked my City Strip Club License.

I was in a position where I needed to come up with 5 grand cash, in 2 days, or lose it all.
I found it.

Now the divorce took a full year.  So you can imagine the time that took, and I had both kids twenty four hours a day, 7 days a week, the whole time. She didn’t help with anything. She was out, on a drug binge, for over 2 years straight.

December 2011, one day after Christmas, I slipped and landed on the back of my head, and was in a coma for 2 Days.

I was not allowed to come back to my business for 4 months. My manager and the girl I was dating ran my bar for 4 months.

In the middle of my 4 month healing time, my grandma passed away. My grandma means everything to me. She was a major part of my upbringing, like another mom, we were very close. So basically, my life ended as far as I was concerned.

Here I am trying to heal a Brain injury. With the drama of losing my grandmother, it slowed the healing time.

There was a major family disagreement at the funeral, and as a result, I stopped talking to my family.

My Grandma and Grandpa were basically like the King and Queen of our family. When they passed away, it appears my family lost their roots, and heritage we were raised on. I personally feel like they’re a bunch of idiots. A funeral is a time for mourning.

Unfortunately, the 3 sisters, left behind, were left to think for themselves, and they’d been doing it for a few years now, because my Grandpa passed away a few years ago. Some people need guidance, or they make really, really stupid decisions. That’s all they’ve been doing since my Grandpa passed, and when Grandma passed, it was free reign to run a muck.

So my family is cut off for now, and it’s me and my 2 children, against the world.

A month after the funeral, at the end of march, I was forced to come back to my business, because it was losing so much money.

I was telling my Manager and Girlfriend to pay the rent, and their exact words were, “what money”.

There wasn’t any money, and almost no liquor left to sell.

I don’ t know exactly what went wrong, but I’ve been running this business for 10 years, and for the previous few months, numbers were dwindling.

A simple explanation of what happened is this. I wasn’t there. It was free reign to steal as much money and as much liquor as you could. And that’s exactly what happened. The numbers don’t drop like that for no reason, even if it is a crumby economy like 2011 was.

I had to save them. I wasn’t supposed to come back to this environment, because my brain hadn’t completely healed yet.

The reason why you can’t drive, or work, or even watch stressful TV shows is this. Your brain only has so much recuperative ability per day.

If your brain is constantly spinning, over and over again, there’s little to no recuperative ability left.

So it took longer to heal, but I didn’t have a choice.  Go back to running my bar or I can’t put food on the table.

In May, the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, “The ATF” raided my bar, during a busy Saturday Night. This is my prime time, money making night.

As expected, all of my customers left. I lost my ass from some stupid call someone made, trying to be vindictive, and tipped off the ATF that I was doing something illegal. Well I wasn’t, but it took a raid to see that.

Now in July, I re-started my Jeep Cherokee that had been sitting since I was hurt. Well, the engine had a small oil leak I didn’t know about. The engine seized the first time I moved the vehicle in six months. So now I own 2 businesses, and no vehicle to get around town. So my girlfriend has to give me a ride everywhere, in her little Kia.

Again, running 2 businesses fulltime, 2 kids fulltime, no car.

Now during this whole year, I’ve had the power, water, phone, everything shut off on me multiple times. The ice machine broke, the beer cooler broke, the heater broke, the roof sprung a leak I couldn’t fix for 2 months, and someone threw a boulder through my giant windows on the front of my nightclub. It sucked. I put out so many fires every day, it wasn’t even funny.

All this was happening, while my brain was healing.

I stayed positive, ate right, trained in the gym, and I slowly got through it.  One day at a time. 

I had to completely Reorganize, Rebuild, and Re-Structure my life.

I thank God every day, for getting me through the worst 2 years of my life. 

Part of the Restructuring and Reorganizing my life, was to make sure I help people with my skills in Business, Marketing, Internet, Phone, and even building relationships. I want to be able to give back to my fellow man, that may need help through this depression.

My grandpa taught me a lot about the great depression he lived through. He told me they ate beans and bread every day. I remember his lessons like it was yesterday.

A couple of years ago, I started seeing businesses go under like crazy. The saddest one was “The Chocolate Factory”, here in Flagstaff, Arizona.  It was owned by a nice husband and wife couple.  They made the most Delicious Chocolate.  Every kind of chocolate you could think of, it was great.

Well, a friend of mine relayed to me that he went to “The Chocolate Factory” to surprise his girlfriend, and it was out of business.  I looked at him in shock! What do you mean, they’re out of business? I drove down to the store, and there was a note on the front of the building that read: “We’ve tried, but after months with the economy, we can’t afford to keep our doors open.  They wished every one the best, said they loved everyone, and goodbye.

It almost made me cry. This business had been in town longer than my 11 years with my business. I felt bad that no one was there to help them. Then I quickly realized, unfortunately, that’s the way it is for a lot of people. It doesn’t matter if you have a business or a job, people can only afford to help themselves. The economy is that bad.

Cities and State Tax IRS collector employees, are making personal visits to peoples businesses, knocking on their doors for the monthly state and city taxes.

How do I know this?

They did it to me when I fell a little behind. I asked the IRS collectors, have you ever had to do this before in your career? He said no. He’s been at a desk for the last 20 years. The economy is so bad, 80% of his time is now in the field. He taught me a lot. I developed a pretty good relationship with the tax collectors. His name was Galen Hardin. A really great guy.

So again, I’m not saying people are evil, and the depression is turning them into demons out for themselves.

What I’m saying is it’s hard enough just to get by right now, and you don’t have the time or money to help others.

The most horrible year 2011 fed over a little into 2012, but we’re starting to see some light in the economy. So it won’t last too much longer.

I understand people are trying to get out of the hole, the economy put them in.  Let’s start with Step 1.  Step 1 is the people that are out there, who have the ability to help others, do so.  Those that can’t, it’s no biggie. Just take care of yours, take care of yourself and family, and down the road when you’re able to help out, give to charity with time, money, whatever.  And little by little, this economy will fix itself.


Until next weeks episode, Keep on Marketing!

William Whitlow 
Ultimate On Line And Off Line Marketer 

e tHHe

Friday, October 19, 2012

William Whitlow Complete Professional Marketing Background

William Whitlow Complete Professional Marketing Background

My name is William Whitlow and this is the first chance i’ve had to work on something I am passionate about. Marketing. From the first time I was introduced to it, I fell in love. I’ve owned businesses both on line and off line where I have been fortunate to experiment, and learn a lot working with the experts across the United States. I will be updating my audience via text, podcast, and video blogs. People will be able to ask questions and I will be able to really help them with their marketing. I’ve attached my resume, which starts with my ownership of my two businesses. I want everyone to get a complete breakdown of who I am, and what I am capable of. Thank you for visiting my website. I plan on helping people the best I can, and providing a service that few can provide. My rules of thumb are to help enough people get what they want, or need, and evetything comes full circle.

See me at

William Whitlow’s Complete Corporate Background With His Underground Marketing Experience!!

02/2002 to Present: Cinnabar Nightclub, and Blush Cabaret Owner Operator

50% Owner Operator, 50% Owned by Attorney General Representing The State Of Arizona.

Responsibilities: Run the daily operations of Cinnabar Nightclub, And Blush Cabaret. Both businesses are run completely different.

Cinnabar Nightclub is a neighborhood bar. Locals and college kids, are the main customer database. Tourists are a bonus. There are times of the year where people are not on vacation, and can have a dramatic impact on your business, if consistent customers are not coming through the door.

Cinnabar Nightclub has theme nights, and live entertainment three to four times a week. This involved a lot of marketing. Various promotions were used such as voice blasts, text blasts, direct mail, radio, and partnerships with businesses around town.

The live entertainment usually involves someone relatively famous. Some of the familiar names you might know are, “Bone Thugs N Harmony”, “Breathe Carolina”, “DJ Quick”, “ Bizzy Bone”, “Kurupt”, “Digital Summer”, “Wu-Tang Clang” members, Etc.

I usually deal with big contracts like $2,000 to $3,000 guarantees for the headliner. Me and another promoter have worked out a system. The system drives traffic to the bar for the show, and also takes care of all the opening bands, with a very profitable night for the nightclub.

Cinnabar is the key to staying in contact with our customers for both businesses. Since you can’t really advertise Blush Cabaret, with your customers through direct mail, or newsletters, I would do it with Cinnabar.

Both businesses are in the same Commercial Building, with separate entrances and exits. Everyone in town knew they were right next to each other, so I could direct mail letters, and 8 page Newsletters, to the home, without other possible wives or

Girlfriends, seeing the “Blush Advertisement”, addressed to the Man, because they were “Cinnabar Advertisements” addressed to the Man.

If it was a women customer, then of course it really was a “Cinnabar Advertisement”.

You can’t cause personal problems within your customer’s home life or you will lose them forever. Or until the customer files for divorce, or breaks up with their girlfriend. This is why I’ve used this approach all these years, and it works.

So without losing one single customer, I decided to use direct advertising with Cinnabar Nightclub, and blanket advertising for Blush Cabaret.

Blanket advertisements would include Radio, Newspaper, Money In The Mail, Hotels, Cabs, Box Moving Van With Topless On The Top, and Pink and Purple Flames, with a

Silhouette of a stripper, address, and phone number. There were other types of various marketing I used, but it was always different than Cinnabar Nightclub.

I was in control of payroll, schedules, bills, taxes, inventory, and other various tasks involved in running the bars.

In addition to running the businesses, it was also my responsibility as a business owner to network.

Five years ago I involved myself in “The Sheriff’s Posse”, the biggest charity organization in town. On January 1, I was voted in as “The Captain”, and now I am in control of $200,000, which we distribute monthly, to those in need. A title I am very proud of.

Other types of networking I was involved in was meeting Mayor Sarah Pressler. My best friend Shan, is kind of an internet marketing guru, trained by me, and helped campaign for the Mayor. The Social Credibility she was able to achieve through the internet, and other types of media was amazing. Her campaigning can be compared to that of, Obama.

Sarah is an amazing woman, and has brought Flagstaff, in my opinion, out of the ice age. This mayor broke up any kind of “Old School” thinking Flagstaff previously had, and modernized it. As a result, opening businesses, and allowing corporations to open, without any hassle, are examples of the great job she has done while in office.

While running a business, many people begin to understand the principles of working for something, and not receiving immediate gratification. I can name many times over the years, I was working for something that was going to have a return in time. I learned these types of principles working for The Bank, where I was forced to maintain a customer database, that I constantly had to stay in touch with. The end result would be selling them a product, down the road, that I receive a very nice commission for.

There were other types of networking I had to do like The Police Department, Southside Improvement Neighborhood Meetings, events around town, and Sheriff Posse Volunteer Events. There are a lot of people that know me.

I learned customer service through all the years working for corporations, but I was able to really provide it from a personal level, owning a business. Customer service expands beyond just the business doors, because you will see people around town. Every time you see someone you know, it is your job to say hi, and maybe give them a little conversation. Developing these kinds of relationships, and caring about the customer, is what kept my business going strong all these years.

My businesses involved P.O.S. (Point Of Sale) touch screens that could capture the customers information. The types of drinks they like, address, phone number, email, everything you need. The P.O.S. are technically designed for selling your products, and inventory. The customer information and marketing is something the Creator added.

The creator of my Touch Screen systems, created them back in the mid 90’s, and owns 2 Restaurants. So marketing and selling products, were both of equal importance to the creator. He is a good personal friend of mine, and his POS systems, are far better than others. He also provides classes to train you how to use the system, and market. A service like this isn’t provided anywhere I’m aware of.

I purchased the business on contract with money down. The person I was paying off, was raided by the police, and “The Governor”, now owns 50% of my business. I meet with The Attorney General on a monthly basis, review the numbers with him, let him know how the business is doing, and give “The State”, their share of the monthly profits.

In all my years of College, and Working, I never assumed I would be meeting with Political Figures that run our State on a regular basis. I’ve enjoyed the experience, and have developed some great relationships in the process.

Five of my friends and I purchased this business 10 years ago. My share of the business was to run it every weekend. Since I was still employed with the bank, I always worked my overtime before Friday at 2:00 pm. Then, leave from Phoenix to Flagstaff, and work all weekend, and come home on Sunday night so I could be at work Monday. I did this for 7 years.

Many times, the bank required we work 60-70 hours. I would do that in a period of 5 days, and still be in the 1-3% of top performers. Ironically I still work out 5 days a week too.

My schedule started at 4:00 a.m. I would workout 1st thing in the morning for an hour. Next work 11-13 hours, typically eating lunch at my desk to get more work done. Then I would go home.

Planning helped me handle this schedule. I would cook all my food for the week on Sunday Night. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Protein, Vitamin Supplements, carried with me to work every day. This way, I have everything I need to work, and not leave.

Twice a week, at night, I also did Submission Grappling MMA from 2001-2006, from 7pm to 9pm.

When I reflect, it amazes me how much I was able to get done, and still drive to Flagstaff every weekend for 7 years. This is part of the reason I was left with the business, Desire.

Like any business during the mortgage boom, we did an absolutely amazing job. Our best month was $90,000 Gross Revenue, with consistent $75,000 to $85,000 every month.

Last month I did the figures, and they were close to $40,000 with only Blush Cabaret. Cinnabar was in the middle of building a Kitchen, so we were not fully open. With Cinnabar open my numbers would have been between $50,000 to $55,000.

The reason I am not running the business anymore is because I am in the middle of a new lease, and better location. The person that owns the commercial structure I am in, did not renew my lease. I’m actually happy about it. We have been in the wrong place for a long time. There is a homeless shelter just two buildings away from mine, and a second homeless shelter 1 street over. This is right in the center of Downtown Flagstaff.

In addition, college kids are always walking by, but they are broke college kids. They pay the six dollar cover charge, then the bouncers have to force the two drink minimum. Again, the wrong traffic.

Cinnabar Nightclub has less problems because the drinks are cheaper and there’s no cover charge, because topless girls aren’t walking around. The homeless are always floating in though, and we have to escort them to the door.

The best way to describe my location is like having a business on Mill Ave, next to ASU. But, homeless people are roaming all over Mill Ave, constantly asking for money, constantly trying to get in your bar, or hanging around the front. It’s horrible.

The new location is next to Wal-Mart, Cracker Barrel, Outback Steakhouse, Two other Bars, Ten Hotels, Diesel Filling Station, and Trucker Parking Location to Park Your Diesel And Sleep. Yes, this location will make me a lot more money.

I have a General Manager who has run Both of my Clubs for 10 years. She does a phenomenal job running it. I plan on letting her run the Club, while I watch it from the internet.

Now that I’ve described the business, and what my responsibilities are, I can explain why I am looking to enter the job market.

Serving people alcoholic beverages, and watching people get drunk all the time, are unfortunately not the relationships or career I desire. I was very happy working at Chase Bank for 11 years. I’ve had a chance to step away, and develop some real leadership skills.

I’ve been in control of a corporation that has generated well over $1,000,000 dollars a year, for multiple years. The marketing skills I’ve acquired takes real mentorship, and testing, to develop those skills. The customer service skills I’ve acquired, are something you can’t learn being a cahier, because I have to have my happy face on all the time, even outside the business.

These are some of the real reasons I want to re-enter the workforce, possibly even a corporation.

As reading through the rest of my resume, I will reveal all the skills I have. Since I’ve worked for Corporations for most of my life, And have the experience of owning two businesses, I know both sides of the fence. I believe this was the last step in rounding out my business personality, and will be a huge asset to the company that I have the pleasure of working with.

01/08 to 08/08 Chase Bank

Phoenix, Arizona

1st Mortgage Lending

Title: Universal Mortgage Loan Officer/ 1st Mortgage Loan Officer Combined With 2nd Mortgage Loan Officer

Responsibilities: Generate new 1st Mortgage applications through a phone lead generation database, created by Chase.

Two lead generating sources were used.

The main lead generating system was created to make outbound dialed calls, to Chase customers, with homes. The system was amazing and showed all the chase products they had, like checking, savings, mutual funds, credit cards, unsecured installment loans, car loans, etc.

The second lead generating system used was a database, purchased from Chase bank. The dialer called people with 1st or 2nd mortgages with other companies. The information available to us, showed who their mortgages were with, and the rate, payments, balance, credit score, address, outstanding debts, and multiple other pieces of information to help us make the sale.

The third lead generating source were those applicants we brought to the bank, through our own lead generating techniques.

The commission was structured so employees were paid a higher bonus, on leads we generated ourselves.

The bank used an auto dialer for Non-Chase customers, and Chase customers. We were put on the auto dialer for a period of 2-4 hours a day.

The second level bonus paid employees that closed a mortgage, for customers that had No Chase products, and a mortgage with another company.

The third level bonus paid employees that closed a mortgage, for customers that had Chase products.

The team that created this system, did a phenomenal job. We had 2 different times of day, the dialer would dial Non-Chase, or Chase customers. The jobs were separated, so we weren’t confused when the auto dialer was making the calls.

In our ear we would hear the phone ring, and “The Customer Information Screen” would show on our computer, so we could familiarize yourself with the customer.

If a customer was a Chase customer, we could see all the products they had with us, along with credit score, income, rate on their current mortgage, even if it wasn’t with us.

If a customer was a Non-Chase customer, we could see their credit score, income, debts, who mortgage was with, rate, payment, and multiple other pieces of valuable information.

The system was incredible, and allowed us the ability to identify with the customer. Terms like “Preferred Customer Credit Score”, and “Special Refinance Deals For Customers with Long Standing Relationships”.

Another example: “With the mortgage crisis, rates have dropped phenomenally low, and because you have multiple products with Chase, you qualify as one of our “premier” clients, which waives all closing costs in addition to your special rate”.

Opening the phone call with creative hooks helped me make the sale. It was relatively easy because I had been in customer service my whole life.

When I was in the 2nd mortgage business, all the loan officer did was answer the phone and take the application for approximately 30 minutes. The next day I received the application, called the customer, and worked with them until the signing day. It was approximately a seven to fourteen day process.

Through reviewing my phone calls, the new “Universal 1st and 2nd mortgage team approached me for a position with the team.

The commission structure made sense and both teams were very happy with the system. The exact quote I receive was, “You Made $75,000 last year, you’ll easily make over $100,000. We can tell with your performance, and sales skills, which are better than most”.

I was very happy with my new position. I closed plenty of mortgages as well as my team members. The members of my team were even closing 2nd Mortgages, when the opportunity presented itself, and we couldn’t do a 1st mortgage.

Months went by and the commission we all agreed to did not come. It didn’t make any sense, because the bank was making money off the mortgages, just not paying the commission.

After nine months of living off $1,500 a month, I was forced into early retirement in October 2008. I left the business to run both of my businesses full time. A career choice I was not happy with, but a wise financial decision.

06/05-07/12 Dan Kennedy Marketing, Dotcomsecrets Marketing, Stompernet MarketingMike Choma, Mark Weiser, Todd Falcone,

Phoenix, AZ

Direct Marketing Mentorship:

Responsibilities: Take direction from my mentors, and apply the marketing knowledge I learn, to make money in my own business.

Mentorship started with Mike Choma, who owns a commercial equipment lease finance company. Mike also runs a business marketing on line.

Mark Weiser is another mentor who used to work for Corporate America, but now makes money on line, with marketing companies, information products, and books he’s written.

Todd Falcone is another mentor who not only has a degree in marketing, bus speaks all over the world professionally about marketing. Todd has written books, articles, Information CD’s, and DVD’s on marketing, prospecting, and sales, a real marketing guru if you will.

When my mentors first started guiding me, they had me reading books, listening to MP3 recordings on the computer, playing information CD’s in my truck, learning while driving. They realized I needed to have my mindset change, so I could begin learning.

The three companies, Dan Kennedy, Dotcomsecrets, and Stompernet, are three monthly publications I paid for monthly to study their underground marketing information. Dan Kennedy actually had 2 publications I was a monthly member of. Four monthly magazines, 2 DVD’s, and 2CD’s total. It was required that I go through this information monthly, and apply the knowledge learned.

In addition to the learning, my mentors required I make cold phone call sales. It was rough, but nothing will teach you sales like cold calling. When I had a live prospect on the phone, they would be available for me to make a three-way phone call, where I would bring them on the line to help close the sale.

Dan Kennedy teaches a lot of Direct Marketing, Advertising, Customer Rewards Programs, Customer Tracking, Developing Relationships With Your Customer, and multiple other marketing methods, from every different kind of business you can think of.

Dotcomsecrets teaches every kind of on-line marketing you can think of. From building customer lists, videos, podcasts, product creation, relationship building, up sells, and multiple other marketing tips, it’s really quite incredible. The owner Russell Brunson makes over 10 million a year on line. He only has about 15 people in his marketing office.

Stompernet is another publication that teaches on line marketing along with other types of direct marketing. Both publications are similar, but teach different marketing strategies, so I use them both. The employees are also available to answer any questions, via email or phone. A side note I want to mention is that every employee is an expert that contributes a monthly article to the publication. A partner in the company goes by the name of Brad Fallon, and since 2005, he’s had the number 1 wedding website in the world. The capital generated from this website alone is amazing.

The marketing taught in these publications is underground. I learn marketing techniques, that aren’t taught in any School or University in the U.S. These are tried, tested, and proven techniques from entrepreneurs, and business owners around the nation. The results of the marketing campaigns are shown, so you don’t have to make the same mistakes.

The publications also come with gold or platinum memberships. The memberships connect you with other business owners in the same business as you. This allows you to schedule group phone or video web conferences, so everyone can mastermind together. This kind of networking with the right people, causes business owners sales to skyrocket. It just makes sense. Applying marketing techniques proven to work in mom and pop businesses all across the nation. The marketing also works for big corporations too, not just small businesses.

Another point I’d like to reveal is how these mastermind groups, teach you how to run your business correctly. It’s not always about marketing. You learn so much when you’re involved, it sets you years ahead, by avoiding the trial and error part of the business. The best way to describe the learning that occurs is, to always have your mind open to new and creative ideas, and your success will follow.

06/00 to 01/08 Bank One

Tempe, Arizona

Retail Lending, Dept#AZ1-2561

Title: Home Equity Loan Processor

Responsibilities: Monitor Que throughout the day for new applications and loans that may be ready to close. Take incoming calls from banking center employees, and customers. Resolve lien issues, name variances, trust issues, any problems that may arise and hold up loan signing. Coordinate closings with customers and banking centers. Prepare documents to go out to banking centers. Complete daily Que, and meet monthly goal, of eighty to one hundred loans booked.

06/99 to 06/00 Bank One

Tempe, Arizona

Retail Lending, Dept #AZ1-2561

Title: R.E.L.P. Real Estate Loan Processing, Processor

Responsibilities: Review full Appraisals (URAR), Trust Agreements, and complex tax return income verification.

I reviewed incoming loans and reviewed title reports, flood reports, flood reports and credit bureaus to either approve or decline customers contingent upon these factors. This area was eliminated and the processors were all turned into loan officers handling all the responsibilities including calling clients.

06/97 to 06/99 Bank One Tempe, Arizona

Recovery Unit, Dept #AZ1-2517

Title: Loss Recovery Specialist

Responsibilities: Call customers on charged off loans. Take financial statements and set them up on new payment plans. Skiptrace to locate people. Track vehicles I assign for reposession, hire private investigators and bluebook units. Monitor checking accounts to debit. Reassign accounts in bankruptcy or in process of going to agency. Complete daily portfolio, and meet end of the month goal.

09/95 to 06/97 Wells Fargo Bank

Tempe, Arizona

Consumer Loan Collection Operations, Dept #4015-016

Title: Loan Adjuster

Responsibilities: Review past due loans from start of delinquency to charge off. Call customers for payments both manually and automated on mosaix system. Audit loans to make sure payment schedule reads correctly. Give extensions and in some cases refinance loan. Blue book vehicles and assign for repossession. Complete daily portfolio and meet end of the month goal.

03/06 to 02/97 Primerica Financial: Travelers Group, Smith Barney

Mesa, AZ

Title: Life Insurance Agent

Responsibilities: Generate leads that have a need for life insurance. Restructure their finances, so they have money to invest in their retirement.

Primerica Financial had a goal of licensing every independent contractor in Life Insurance, Property and Casualty Insurance, and a 6 & 63 license.

The goal was to review the clients Car Insurance, and Monthly Debts, and lower the monthly payment. Next we reviewed the client’s life insurance, and educated them on the differences between Whole Life Insurance, Universal Life Insurance, Term Insurance and multiple others. After educating the client, we peach “Buy Term And Invest The Difference”. Which meant to buy “Term Insurance”, and invest the money you save eliminating “Whole Life Insurance”, into a Mutual Fund.

If we weren’t licensed in Property and Casualty Insurance, or 6 & 63 License, we would bring an agent with us to the meeting, and close the deal. Once we achieved those licenses, we could transfer the sales to our name.

Eventually I left Primerica, as I was still trying to finish school, and a job as a collector at Wells Fargo, so I had to leave the company. Their assets were solid, as they preached mutual funds, which were more conservative, and higher returns. We quoted an average return of 14%. I cashed out a mutual fund last year for $12,000 from Primerica Financial. The monthly investment was only $25. I loved working for the company, and was happy to be selling solid investments, since I was personal proof of long term safe investing.

09/94 to 09/95 First Interstate Bank Tempe, Arizona

Accounting, Dept. 905B

Title: Accounting Booking Specialist

Responsibilities: Complete daily bookings from loan signings at branches. Balance portfolio by processing disbursements from loan proceeds. Coordinate with closing side to ensure lien releases were sent out and paid papers processed. Ensure loans are closed out and new subsystems are working correctly for incoming payments. Complete daily booking assignments so client is set up to receive coupon booklets and greeting letters.

09/93 to 09/95 First Interstate Bank Tempe, Arizona

Consumer Loan Files, Dept# 905C

Title: General Clerk IV

Responsibilities: Complete daily assignments in a timely manner which include incoming phone calls for information and file requests. Lien perfection on newly booked loans. File correspondence and assist on processing paid loans.

Accomplishments at First Interstate:

1) I have been involved in numerous audits; ensuring files have been accounted for, as well as handling file acquisitions of the southwest region and merge of Wells Fargo Bank.

2) I was selected to receive the First Priority Recognition award for the first quarter of 1994 for excellent client relations across the Southwest region.

3) I was on several committees, including the First Priority Committee, Recycling Committee, You and I Committee, and Employee Club.

4) I was recognized as collector of the month twice in one year.

Accomplishments at Chase Bank:

1) I received several rewards for being collector of the month while in the Recovery Unit.

2) I have received several customer service awards from banking centers while in the processing and lending areas of Chase Bank

3) I was named the #1 Loan Processor in “00” and “01” for having more loans booked and more dollars than anyone in my division.

4) I was recognized for my perfect attendance award for the year “02”

Social Accomplishments:

Sheriff Posse: The biggest Charity Organization in Flagstaff, Arizona. I am captain, in control of $200,000 charity, which we disburse monthly. I have been on the Sheriff Posse for six years.

Athletic Accomplishments;

Grappling, MMA, Submission, Competitor, Bodybuilding Expert.

I have been weight training since elementary school and have trained with some of the best bodybuilders. My grappling experience comes from Jeff Funicello, Team Spartan, American Pankration. Jeff Funicello is one of the Greco Roman Olympic Alternates every year, and has been training in submission fighting since he was a child. Numerous famous experts have come in to train my team, as they are good friends with my coach. I competed numerous times from 2001-2006. I have recently re-entered the training to begin competitions again. Strictly submission and wrestling competition, no cage matches.

Educational Background: Apache Junction High School

Apache Junction, Arizona


Central Arizona College Apache Junction, Arizona 1 ½ Years

Arizona State Life Insurance License

AIB Consumer Lending

Quality Hotel, Phoenix, Arizona

University of Phoenix Phoenix, Arizona

Technical Skills: Thorough working knowledge of loans from complex trusts and income, to booking and closing procedures. Typing and word processing skills, acquired typing skills of 45-50 WPM. 10 Key Machine. Working knowledge of computer systems, Tpx, Rco, Cis, Mosaix, Excel, and Powerpoint.

Previous Forms Of Employment: 14 Years Old, Yard Cleaning Business, $25 A Yard

15 Years Old, Mc Donald’s, Cashier, Cook

16-17 Years Old, Los Vaqueros, Busboy, Cook Waiter, Dishwasher, Prep Cook, and Bar Back on Fridays, and Saturdays.

17-18 Years Old, Taco Bell Store Manager

19 Years Old, Applebee’s Day Cook Manager

20 Years Old, I Started with First Interstate Bank Which Was Victim To A Hostile Takeover Of Wells Fargo Purchasing Majority Stock, and I, Became Fully Vested at 4 Years Employment As A Benefit To All Employees.