Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Secret Formula To Growing Your MLM Business

When you look at MLM from the outside, what you're really doing is the same process over and over again.

If you're working leads, doing magnetic sponsoring, doing the 3-foot rule, or working trade shows, your objective is always the same thing.

Recruit someone, anyone, period, even if they're a loser.

Once your recruit someone, it's your job to drive through their warm market like a freight train. So many people don't realize this.

Many times i've been at seminars and the same question is asked. How many people here were recruited by someone they know, or a friend? And over 90% of the rooms hands go up.

Think about that... I mean really think about it.

If you're working phone leads, and your talking to someone across the country, you're going to need to build that list with them. Then bring in as many of their friends and family as you can under that person, and build a local team.

I know people are doing front end proposals, capture pages, internet social networking, blah, blah, blah, but the bottom line is this is still a people business.

If you can drive through your new recruit's warm market and have them start attending local meetings and doing home parties, your business will explode.

Let's recap. Recruit, drive through their warm market while training them, Recruit, drive through their warm market while training them....Repeat, Repeat, Repeat.

That's the Secret formula

Happy Prospecting,
William Whitlow
Home Business On Line Marketer